6 Awesome Spanish Board Games

Spanish board games
If you’re a fan of Spanish board games and looking for some exciting additions to your collection, you’ve come to the right place. Spain has a rich gaming culture with a variety of unique and engaging options that are sure to captivate players of all ages and interests.

From strategy-based challenges to thrilling cooperative adventures, these board games offer a blend of entertainment and cultural immersion. Get ready to explore the world of Spanish gaming as we unveil these 6 awesome titles that are bound to bring fun and excitement to your tabletop gatherings.


Parchís is a classic board game, typically played on a square board with a vibrant design, divided into four colored quadrants: red, yellow, green, and blue. Each player has four tokens of their respective color, which start in the corresponding colored home quadrant. The objective is to move all four tokens from the home to the center of the board before your opponents do.

Players take turns rolling the die and advancing their tokens accordingly. If a player rolls a six, they have the option to move one token out of the home and onto the starting point. From there, the goal is to navigate the tokens across the board, following the numbered spaces and avoiding obstacles such as other players’ tokens.

One of the most exciting aspects of Parchís is capturing your opponents’ tokens. If a player lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s token, that token is sent back to its corresponding home quadrant, forcing them to start over. This element of strategy adds a competitive edge and allows for strategic decision-making throughout the game.

Additionally, Parchís incorporates safe zones, marked by a star. They offer protection from being captured by opponents. Globe spaces allow a token to teleport to another globe space on the board, providing a shortcut to bypass certain areas. These elements add an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to the game.


Domino originated in China, however, it has turned into one of the most widely-played games in Spanish-speaking countries. It’s played with a set of rectangular tiles, typically made of bone, ivory, or plastic. Each tile is divided into two squares, or “ends,” with a line in the middle. The number of dots, or pips, on each end, ranges from zero to six, resulting in a total of 28 unique tiles in a standard set.

To begin the game, the tiles are placed face-down and shuffled. Each player then draws a set number of tiles, usually seven, to form their hand. The remaining tiles are left as the “boneyard”. The objective of Domino is to be the first player to empty their hand. A tile can be played if its number of pips matches an open end of a tile already on the table.

For example, a tile with three pips can be played next to another tile with three pips.

The game offers many variations. The most common ones are Draw, Block, All Fives, and Mexican Train. One key feature of Domino is the concept of “doubles.” A double occurs when both ends of a tile have the same number of pips. Doubles are often placed perpendicularly, forming a branching point for subsequent plays.

La Oca

La Oca, also known as “The Game of the Goose,” is a traditional board game that has been played in Spain and other parts of Europe for centuries. The game is shaped like a spiral or a path, consisting of 63 numbered spaces. Each space is beautifully illustrated with images that often represent landmarks, symbols, or scenes from Spanish culture and history. The path leads players from the starting point to the final space, often depicted as a castle or a victory emblem.

The objective of La Oca is to be the first player to reach the final space. Players move their tokens along the path by rolling dice or spinning a spinner. The number rolled determines the number of spaces to advance. However, certain spaces on the board hold special significance and can affect a player’s progress.

One of the key features of La Oca is the presence of “special” spaces. For example, landing on space 6 allows the player to advance to space 12, creating a shortcut. Conversely, landing on space 19 may result in the player moving backward to space 11.

La Oca promotes social interaction and friendly competition. Laughter and excitement fill the air as players eagerly roll the dice. Additionally, the illustrations on the board spark conversations and ignite curiosity about Spanish history and culture.

Manzanas con Manzanas

Manzanas con Manzanas, or “Apples to Apples,” revolves around making clever and humorous comparisons. The game consists of two sets of cards: green cards with adjectives and red cards with nouns. In each round, one player acts as the “judge” and selects a green card, which contains an adjective such as “funny,” “outrageous,” or “weird.” The other players then choose a red card from their hand that they believe best matches the given adjective.

The hilarity begins when the judge reviews the red cards and decides which one they find the most fitting, amusing, or even absurd in relation to the chosen adjective. Players strive to select red cards that will elicit laughter or surprise from the judge.

The key to success in Manzanas con Manzanas lies in understanding the judge’s sense of humor and making creative connections. Sometimes, the winning card may be a literal match, while other times, it may rely on wordplay, cultural references, or personal preferences. The game encourages players to think outside the box and showcase their wit and imagination.

Manzanas con Manzanas has a diverse range of cards available. The red cards feature a wide array of nouns, including people, places, things, and even fictional characters. This variety ensures that each round is unique and keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Spanish Bananagrams

Spanish Bananagrams is a fast-paced word game that puts your language skills to the test. Based on the original Bananagrams game, Spanish Bananagrams adds a unique twist by incorporating the Spanish language and its rich vocabulary.

The objective of Spanish Bananagrams is to create a grid of interconnected words using letter tiles. Each player starts with a predetermined number of tiles, depending on the number of participants. The players simultaneously work to form their own crossword-like grid, using all of their tiles in the process.

The gameplay of Spanish Bananagrams is intense and dynamic. Players continuously rearrange and add to their grid as they strive to be the first to use up all their tiles. They can also steal tiles from opponents if they find an opportunity to incorporate them into their own grid. Players must utilize their knowledge of Spanish words to form valid and interconnected words.

Spanish Bananagrams can be enjoyed by players of varying language proficiency levels. Beginners can start with basic words, while more advanced players can challenge themselves by incorporating complex vocabulary and longer words into their grid. This adaptability makes the game accessible and enjoyable for a wide range of players.


Although it’s not technically a board game, Petanca is a popular outdoor game that has gained widespread popularity in Spain. The objective of Petanca is to throw or roll metal balls, also known as boules, as close as possible to a smaller target ball called the cochonnet. The game can be played one-on-one or in teams, with each player or team taking turns to throw their boules. The player or team that has the boule closest to the cochonnet at the end of a round scores points.

Petanca requires careful aim, precise technique, and strategic decision-making. Players must assess the positioning of their opponents’ boules and plan their throws accordingly. They can choose to throw their boules at different speeds and angles, attempting to knock opponents’ boules out of the way or strategically position their own closer to the cochonnet.

Petanca requires minimal equipment, making it accessible to a wide range of players. The game promotes precision and concentration, and it encourages outdoor activity.

We hope this article has inspired you to discover and try out these incredible games that bring a touch of Spanish culture and entertainment to your tabletop (or park). These games offer a diverse range of experiences that are sure to keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. Don’t miss out on the joy and excitement that these Spanish board games have to offer!

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